Can I be a Christian and have mental health concerns?

What is mental health?

What it is not?

What does ‘treatment’ look like?

Christian values that support balanced mental health

  1. prayer. This helps us feel emotionally connected – there is a God who cares and loves us no matter what. Also due to the nature of praying and its meditation aspect, serotonin (a neurotransmitter – which is a natural chemical that the body produces, and carries messages between nerve cells) is released, which in turn impacts body functions such as our mood, stress levels, sleep, and overall sense of wellbeing.
  2. reading the Bible. This helps us know who God is – His character and what His promises are, such as He has our backs, to cast our anxieties onto Him, He walks alongside us.
  3. fellowship with other Christians who share the same values/worldview. Having a support system in place is key, especially if we find and receive treatment in line with Jesus’ characteristics of kindness, gentleness, care, acceptance, and reaching out.


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