Category Archives: Child Development

child in time-out

Time-outs are not working for you? There is a better way, according to science.

You have tried time-outs on several occasions with your child. You have heard others using this discipline method. And yet, it is not working for your child. You are right, as time-outs are not an effective means of discipline. In this article, we will review why time-outs are not effective, and what to do instead.

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Attention-seeking behaviour? It’s normal, but let’s rephrase it.

Your child is engaging in behaviours which seem to be attention-seeking. In this article we will understand what these behaviours are, how to look at them from a different lens, and tips to support your child during these moments. What are attention-seeking behaviours? Our children engage in lots of behaviours that can be surprising to

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Learn how to plan for family dinners. This helps make your kids feel secure and reduce their behaviours, according to research.

It was very common practice when I was growing up for families to have at least one meal a day together – usually dinner. However, nowadays things seem to be so rushed or family members are on their devices and eat meals separately, which negatively impacts healthy child development. In this article, we will discuss

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A Visual: Learn How to Foster a Safe Secure Attachment Relationship with Children. It helps their mental health and behaviours.

This article will present the so helpful Circle of Security visual for the young children. Although the concept also works for older children. It visually sums up the parent and child relationship, as the adult/parent supports the child’s needs for healthy childhood development, to support a secure attachment, and build the foundation for the child’s

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Practical Strategies for Caregivers to Emotionally Connect with our Children, for Healthy Development and Behaviours.

All emotions are good/healthy, and they are there to serve a purpose. Parents’ verbal and non-verbal cues play a key role in supporting our children’s emotions and feelings. In this blog, we will discuss how we can support our children’s emotions and feelings… by identifying and labelling emotions, sitting with our children to support them

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